Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Interlude 1: Serenity Detective Agency

"Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the fae, Santa Clause, Ogopogo, and The Russian Stargate Theory?" Harry says in a tone that is half serious yet half deadpan while leaning his chair back, with his feet resting on the desk of his office where I'm being interviewed. It's...cozy. With just about the entire wall of his office has every photo, newspaper clippings, world maps, magazine cut-outs, etc posted on the wall.

  His crossbow lays next to his feet. Least he's not holding it. Thats a plus.

This line of interviewing has caught me completely off guard thats for sure but I responded the best way I know how. "Um...With people flying in the sky, shooting lasers out of every orifice, and being able to do things normal people cant do on a daily bases. Anything's possible"

"Acceptable answer." Harry says to me

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Prologue: Welcome To Novelia

"Not exactly the the way I was looking at starting things in a new town, that is as big as a city, which technically wouldn't be considered a town would it? Getting ahead of myself"

It is below freezing and cold as fuck. Despite me dressing in a gear that is appropriate for it. Oh and I'm buried alive. Not a good combination. That didn't stop me from trying to fight my way out, I'm stubborn like that you know.

It is pitch dark inside the coffin and I'm lacking any means of a flashlight. Looks like I had to trust in fate to pull me through. I scan the top of the coffin for a weak-point, which is right in the center. I take as many short breaths as I can to not lose any oxygen. I then proceed to punch at the wooden surface. It hurt like hell. Blood starts to run down my knuckles but my stubborn nature keeps pressing through.

My heart cheered a bit as I can hear a faint creaking sound, the wood is starting to give in. I wiped the blood running from the gash on my forehead and continued. Bits of dirt started to fall on my face then more of them followed soon after. I was then engulfed by a wave of dirt splashing on me.

I dig my way out of it, no doubt breaking a few fingernails off along the way, I'm not going to give up. Not with everything on the line. I also still have my kids that needs looked after. I'm going to crawl myself out of this no matter how close I am to blacking out.

It felt like an eternity, digging my way out of my own grave. My hand reached up. I felt nothing but cold air rushing through it. I made it! I made it! I managed to reach the snowy surface. Gasping for some much needed air as I grabbed onto anything on the ground that I can grab on to pull myself out. I was actually free.

I hear heavy footsteps approaching then a large hand grabs me by the throat and lifts me up from the ground. My feet were dangling as I was gasping for air.

"I knew that wouldn't be enough to keep you down" 

A chill ran down my spine, I knew who that voice belonged to. The wind and snow died down and I got a good look at my attacker. Names Sarah Grimm and I'm so not having a good night. 

Issue #0
"Welcome To Novelia"

Four Months Earlier 

I drive a land rover, that looks like it has seen better days but is still dependable, as it pulls a U-Haul Trailer.  *Sarah Grimm. A mother of three girls, in her early thirties, average looking in appearance but not ugly either. More of a sweet girl next door look* 

My eldest daughter, her late teens, Jean sits next to me. She's a bit of a loner, independent, taking in the scenery. She doesn't have to say it, she pretty bored of the whole trip. The second oldest, around 15, Rachel a victim of too many afternoons in shopping malls watching Bratpack Movies, sits in the back in her trendy duds. She's in a finding herself phase. Next to the youngest of my children Barbara, age 12, quietly reads a book called Into The Unknown. The second of the supernatural noir series titles "The Case of The Famous Detective." Barbara reads it to our large siberian husky Amon.

In an attempt to not make this socially awkward I offered. "Howabout some music?" I turned the radio station to a country and western station. "Keep going" Rachel says to me. I turned to some Easy Listening in which Mary replied "Keep going" I then finds finds Donovan singing "Mellow Yellow."

Barbara, no doubt the quietest one, just silently buries her face in her book. Amon whines. "Haight-Ashbury! The summer of love! Mellow Yellow" I encouraged and proceeds to sing along, Amon lowered his head and covered his face with his paw. My daughters took note then all said unanimously"Keep going!"

We all laugh as I turned the dial to a current rock hit then the girls, and Amon relaxed. As we reached our destination we see a billboard sign that reads "Welcome To Novelia: A pleasant community"

We drive through the town and took in the surroundings. The tall buildings, its townspeople, the cars the structure of the town look like something that belong in the 30's with its vehicles looking like they date back in the 50's .

"Am I going to be the only one among the family to say that we have unknowingly drove through some kind of portal that took us back in time?" Rachel says behind us, I just shook my head.

I stop to pump some gas. Barbara is out playing fetch with Amon. "Be careful doing that" I say to her. Rachel runs up. "I spotted a an amusement park not too far from here. Right on the beach! Can we go?"

"Thats the boardwalk Rach and not right now. Your aunt is expecting us."

I was disturbed as I notice two runaway teenagers rummaging through a nearby garbage bin for something to eat.  She and Rachel are distracted however as they see Jean rolling her Chopper Motor Bike from out of the U-Haul. "I need to stretch my legs, I'll follow you"

The Attendant gives me five dollars in change.  I hands it to Rachel, indicating the two runaways. "Tell them to get something to eat."

"I thought we were poor." Rachel says

"Not that poor" I say to her

Rachel runs off as Jean starts her prize possession. "Everything ok?" I asked Jean, even if things aren't she wouldn't admit it to me. "I just need to clear my head"Jean says

"If you ever need someone to talk to" I offered then Jean nods

Rachel returned them us, Barbara, and Amon entered the Rover as the runaways shout to them "Thanks lady!"

"Use some of it to call home" I shouted back. I looked at Rachel as I pulled out. "Those kids look like me twenty years ago"

Rachel nods at me. "When you ran away from home, hitch-hiked to Berkeley, spent the night in Golden Gate Park and begged for spare change in the morning?"

Stunned at this. "You've heard this before"

"From Aunt Mary. I've heard the story many times, I'm starting to think it happened to me." Rachel says

I drove up the long winding road that leads to Storyville Hills. A neighborhood that is a few miles away from town. I stopped at the driveway in front of a  victorian era style home. Jean parked her bike next to my car. We got out and went on up to the front door. I ringed the doorbell. For what felt like a moment the door opened and out jumped out Mary, my older sister. Whom nearly tackled me to the ground as she gave me a hug. "I'm happy to see you two sis" I patted her on the back. Signalling for some much needed oxygen.

We get the last few items out of the U-Haul. Rachel is seen struggling as she carries her heavy load of comics upstairs. Jean got her weight equipment. "You can sit those in the basement dear" Mary instructs Jean. Barbara is already getting her room arranged as we've finished cleaning out the U-Haul Trailer. As we did so the rest of the girls did the same.

"Thanks Mary" I say to her in gratitude

"What are sisters for" Mary smiled and handed me cinnamon tea.

I thanked her then drink it" Wooo! That'll keep me up for the rest of my life"

Mary laughed" Just how grandmother makes it. So how is everything"

I shrugs" Fine. I feel like I'm taking a big step but this move was for the best. Too many memories in L.A"

"How are the kids adjusting?" Mary asked

"Rachel is adjusting a little better than I expected, thank God Barbara is too young, Jean...don't know where her head is at. We hardly communicate anymore" I say to her, Mary placed her hand over mine" People deal with loss differently. Jean is just dealing with it harder than the others, give her time. She'll come to you"

I smiled at Mary, she always knew what to say.

We talked for a few moments, about the good times. Our times in our grandmother's house here, about Jake, just any little thing. Time flew by so fast. I glanced at the clock. Its around 4:30PM.  I got up and grabbed my coat. "I got to go check out my new job location"

"I'll look after the girls. Take care"

I smiled at her and nods. I drive down the street, taking in the surroundings. As I stopped at the stoplight the corner of my eye spotted something. It was a middle aged man standing on the sidewalk. He looked sickly pale. A stray animal walked by him. He picks up the animal, looking like he is about to pet it. But instead he brings the animal closer to his mouth and opens wide. A car stopped next to me. Terror crept upon me as the light turned green. The car next to me drove by and the old man in the sidewalk was nowhere to be seen. I took a deep breath then continued driving.

I reached my destination and walked infront of a glass door with the name of the building read" Serenity Detective Agency". I opened the door and walked in. The door closed behind me and I nearly leaped out of my skin as an arrow whizzed by me.

My heart felt like someone playing the drums on it. I looked back to see the arrow shot dead center at it's targeting board.

"What are you doing here?"

A voice called out and see a tall shadowed figure approaching me. He came into the light and revealed himself. I sighed in relief but still felt a little guarded. As the gentleman before me still carries a crossbow in hand. "

"Um...Harry Devant?" I announced

"Who wants to know?" Harry says to me cautiously

"Name's Sarah Grimm, I'm your new assistant" I say to him


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Intro: What Is It?

Superheroes exist and the world is made aware of it but there are some things that is still unknown to the public. The supernatural. In the US, Dunwich, NY to be precise is chalk full of supernatural activity and Sage Holmes is the one caught in the middle of it.

Main Character

Sage Holmes:  Private Detective, wizard, and descendant of the legendary great detective whom has followed in her great grandfather's footsteps.

Supporting Characters

Jane Snow: Secretary for Sage Holmes